Monday, January 30, 2012


Beginning in 2008 and continuing into today the U.S., Europe, Asia and most of the world is enduring an economic recession. Economic recession however offers a unique opportunity to understand the difference between money and wealth.
Money is a symbol that expresses how we value ourselves and others and also represents society's values at a particular time and place in history. Wealth on the other hand is a state of consciousness that represents generosity of spirit that translates into material abundance. If we could know the truth of this much of the world's suffering would be diminished.
My experience interacting with some of the lamas in Tibet and their generosity of spirit has provided me with the insight into this truth. This insight is only one small bit of knowledge of which the Tibetans hold the ultimate treasure chest. The Tibetans, having studied the nature of the mind and the nature of phenomena in a traceable lineage for the past 1300 years, is perhaps the most spiritual culture in the world. Now, unfortunately the Tibetan culture is on the very brink of destruction, and every government in the world is aware of the fact yet not one has come to its direct aid. We are all complicit in its demise by not reacting. This is an indication of the reality of the sad state of our world today. We value dollars over true wealth. We value greed over true happiness. We value pride over equanimity. We value holding a grudge over cultivating a compassionate heart.
Our very own dispassion for the situation in China and Tibet is a direct reflection of our values. Perhaps it also has to do with the cause.
However all problems can be viewed simply as challenges and opportunities. The only good thing about the imminent demise of this supremely valuable culture is that it can be reversed. My opinion is that most people are suffering within the constrictions of their own lives, extreme social mores, governments repressive or not, tyrants and most of all humans are held prisoners within their own minds. Human and animal rights are still in a primitive state. I think people, in their hearts know there is a deeper experience to be had. I pray this happens very soon. A very profound opportunity is about to disappear.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Open Letter to Apple Inc, Tim Cook and All Others Doing Business In China:

The Chinese Government is actively and aggressively engaged in the elimination of Tibetans and the Tibetan culture. The Chinese government embraces a policy that focuses on Tibet’s cultural elimination through torture, murder, forced sterilizations, fear mongering, kidnapping of monks and nuns, and propaganda to name a few. Whereas you are in a unique position to affect Chinese policy we would urge you to encourage the Chinese Government to address its counterproductive policies in the Tibetan areas, which have created tensions and threatened the unique religious, cultural, and linguistic identity of the Tibetan people.
Whereas the Tibetan culture is a very rare and valuable culture, having studied the nature of the mind and the nature of phenomena in a traceable lineage for the past 1300 years, and is considered perhaps the most spiritual culture in the world today we would ask, considering your unique position in China, to affect pressure to help resolve these issues.
We know that Mr. Jobs might have felt a certain sensitivity to what the Tibetans contribute to the world. Apple Inc has had another record year in several financial and income categories. Please bring your personal success to now be of benefit to the world at large. Now beyond material success, please enjoy the success of having done something meaningful, something more powerful and beyond the bottom line. Now, Think Different. We all know what you are. Now please, show the world who you are.

Please, anyone who reads this help edit to a more measured or palatable form for a full-page NY Times publication. Thank you.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Letter to Hillary Clinton, Secy of State, U.S.

Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State of The United States of America
Maria Otero, Undersecretary of State for Human Rights
January 24, 2012

Dear Ms. Clinton and Ms. Otero,

Chinese security forces opened fire on unarmed Tibetan protesters in Drango, Kardze yesterday (as reported by the Washinton Post which resulted in the fatal wounding of three demonstrators and serious injury to at least 30 others. This followed an incident last week where security forces opened fire on an unarmed crowd in Ngaba injuring a number of Tibetans.

In the light of the recent self-immolations by Tibetan nuns and monks, the growing number of demonstrations inside Tibet and the extreme response being taken by Chinese security forces, I would call upon you and our government to speak up for Tibetans' human rights and condemn China’s abhorrent use of force on unarmed Tibetans.

Ms. Clinton and Ms. Otero, you have been outspoken and consistent in defending human rights and supporting political and economic freedom in many troubled areas around the globe. Please now take the time to speak up for and defend the rights of the Tibetan people before there is even greater bloodshed.

With the Chinese New Year having just been celebrated and the Tibetan New Year falling on February 22nd, closely followed by the 53rd commemoration of the Tibetan National Uprising Day on March 10th, there is real danger of an escalation in tensions that could result in the loss of many lives.

In view of this, it is increasingly critical that you, on behalf of our government publicly condemn the actions of the Chinese security forces. At the same time there must be an urgent call on the Chinese government to show restraint in its response to Tibetans who are doing no more than exercising their fundamental human right to peacefully demonstrate, to express their long and deep held grievances against Chinese government rule and to show their great sadness and pain over the self-immolations by nuns and monks.

The United States government has asserted that its aspiration is to see long-term stability for Tibet. In the rapidly deteriorating situation inside Tibet, now would be a key time for The U.S. to lead the way and urge world governments to multi-laterally encourage and support the Chinese government to give consideration to the Tibetan people's grievances, engage in points of substance and set in place practical mechanisms whereby a meaningful and productive dialogue could begin.

China's actions in Tibet show a complete disregard to basic human rights. Its policy of quashing any form of demonstration or criticism through increasing instances of arbitrary arrests, trials conducted without access to independent representation, meting out of draconian prison sentences, torture whilst in detention and now even more extreme measures such as firing on unarmed crowds, illustrate an ever more flagrant contempt of international standards. If governments do not consistently stand up and condemn China’s actions, it is tantamount to giving China carte blanche to continue its appalling policies unabated.

For China to be part of the international community it must adhere to international norms and principles. If China is allowed to continue its policies inside Tibet unchecked, the world could witness a horrific and tragic meltdown. We will all have responsibility for having allowed it to happen.

This is a modified version from an article by Tibet Society and their similar request to William Hague in London on January 24th, 2012.